فرصة السفر الى السويد لمدة 4 أشهر شاملة التكاليف 2024-2025
فرصة السفر الى السويد لمدة 4 أشهر شاملة التكاليف 2024-2025
Call for Junior Fellowships
Calls are now open for proposals for junior fellowships for fall 2025:
Interfaces and Unfitted Discretization Methods
Calls are now open for proposals for junior fellowships for fall 2025:
Interfaces and Unfitted Discretization Methods
August 27 – December 12, 2025.
Deadline for proposals: August 15, 2024.
Brief information
- Applicants should be either an advanced graduate student or a recent PhD (degree obtained within 5 years before the start of the program).
- The research interest of the applicant should fall within the area of the program.
- Fellowships include accommodation, a monthly grant, and travel expenses (min. stay 6 weeks).
Application Instructions
Application Instructions
Calls are now open for fall 2025:
Interfaces and Unfitted Discretization Methods
August 27 – December 12, 2025.
Application deadline: August 15, 2024.
Decisions will be announced by September, 2024.
Applications should include:
- Application letter incl short research description
- CV
- List of publication
The application should be submitted as a single pdf file in the form below.
Send two letters of recommendation to Institut Mittag-Leffler by the application deadline: administration@mittag-leffler.se.
For questions, please contact the IML Administration (administration@mittag-leffler.se).